藥品異動通知2024.01.29 藥品新增 <27G111>Glycyrrhizin/Glycine/DL-Methio(Miyaphargen®) (25/25/25mg).錠 新藥介紹 <27G111>Glycyrrhizin/Glycine/DL-Methio(Miyaphargen®) (25/25/25mg).錠 藥理作用/作用機轉 Glycyrrhizinru解毒作用,保護肝臟改善肝臟機能,網內細胞賦活,調解副腎皮質荷爾蒙之分泌,維持生體內活性,抗炎症作用,抗過敏作用,水分、電解質代謝調整作用。 DL-Methionine含硫必需胺基酸之一有解毒與抗脂肪肝之作用有保護肝臟促進機能之改善。 Glycine 抗過與解毒作用,並有胃泌酸度之緩衝調結作用與促利尿作用 適應症/ 劑量 PO 【Adult】 ●保護改善肝臟機能;治療消化道、皮膚疾患:2-3tablets TID。 【Pediatric】Safety and efficacy not established. 【Geriatric】Refer to adult dosing. 『Renal Impairment: Adult』 No dosage adjustment necessary 『Hepatic Impairment: Adult』 No dosage adjustment necessary 使用禁忌 Aldosteronism, Myopathy, Hypokalemia 警告/預防 低血鉀,血壓上升,水腫,神經肌肉異常 不良反應 懷孕用藥分級(FDA) 健保規範 藥品說明: 藥品理由: 其他 Glycyrrhizin restored adrenal homeostasis. This effect may be attributed to glycyrrhizin (a component of Gan-Cao), which affects the conversion of cortisol to cortisone by inhibition of 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme activity. Gan-Cao has been used for treatment of adrenal insufficiency. 上一篇 下一篇